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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the decision-making body of our bank and reports to the Shareholders’ General Meeting. Currently, the Bank’s Board of Directors is composed of 17 directors, including 3 executive directors, 8 non-executive directors, and 6 independent non-executive directors. For the objective of more effective implementation of the Board’s responsibilities, 5 specialized committees, namely, Strategy Committee(Inclusive Finance Development Committee), Risk Management and Related Party Transactions Control Committee, Personnel & Remuneration Committee, Social Responsibility (Enviromental, Social and Govennance) and Consumer Protection Committee, have been set up under the Board of Directors.



Members of the Board of Directors





Executive Director

Ren Deqi

Bank of Communications,  Chairman, Executive Director

Executive Director

Zhang Baojiang

Bank of Communications,  Vice Chairman, Executive Director

Executive Director

Yin Jiuyong

Bank of Communications, Executive Director

Executive Director

Zhou Wanfu

Bank of Communications, Executive Director

Non-executive Director

Li Longcheng

Bank of Communications, Non-executive Director

Non-executive Director

Wang Linping

Bank of Communications, Non-executive Director

Non-executive Director

Chang Baosheng

Bank of Communications, Non-executive Director

Non-executive Director

Liao, Yi Chien David

Co-CEO of HSBC Asia, a member of the HSBC Group Executive Committee.

Non-executive Director

Chan Siu Chung

Consultant of Co-CEO of HSBC 

Non-executive Director

Mu Guoxin

Director of Fund Finance Department of the National Council for Social Security Fund

Non-executive Director

Chen Junkui

Deputy director-general of financial management and supervision (internal audit) department of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration

Non-executive Director

Luo Xiaopeng

General Manager of Capital Operation Department of Capital Airport Group

Independent Director

Shi Lei

Professor of Fudan University

Independent Director

Zhang Xiangdong


Independent Director

Li Xiaohui

Professor of Central University of Finance and Economics

Independent Director

Ma Jun

President of the Beijing Institute of Green Finance and Sustainable Development

Independent Director

Wong Tin Chak

Chief Partner of Shanghai Dekun Tianyu Management Consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership)

Independent Director

Xiao Wei





Curriculum Vitaes of Directors




Mr. Ren Deqi, has been Chairman of the Board of Directors since January 2020, Executive Director of the Bank since August 2018, Senior Economist. Mr. Ren served as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Executive Director and President of the Bank. Mr. Ren served as Executive Director and Executive Vice President of Bank of China. During the period, he also served as Non-executive Director of Bank of China Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited and Chief Executive Officer of Shanghai Renminbi Trading Business Headquarter of Bank of China. Mr. Ren served as several positions in China Construction Bank, including General Manager of the Risk Management Department, President of the Hubei Branch, General Manager of the Credit Management Department, General Manager of the Risk Monitoring Department and Deputy General Manager of the Credit Approval Department. Mr. Ren obtained his Master’s degree in Engineering from Tsinghua University in 1988.




Mr. Zhang Baojiang, has been Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Director of the Bank since August 2024, President of the Bank since June 2024, senior economist. Mr. Zhang had worked for Agricultural Development Bank of China, serving as the Vice President of such bank, President of the Anhui Branch, Director of the General Office of the Head Office, Vice President of the Shaanxi Branch, Deputy General Manager (In Charge of Work) of the Policy Research Office, Deputy Director of the General Office and Deputy General Manager of the Research Office of the Head Office, etc. Mr. Zhang obtained a master’s degree in Economics from the Graduate School of the Party School of the Central Committee of Communist Party of China in 1998 and a doctoral degree in Economics from the Graduate School of the Party School of the Central Committee of Communist Party of China in 2004.




Mr. Yin Jiuyong, has been Executive Director of the Bank since February 2024, Executive Vice President of the Bank since September 2019, senior economist. Mr. Yin held various positions in Agricultural Development Bank of China, including Executive Vice President, Director of the General Office, President of the Henan Branch, General Manager and Deputy General Manager of the First Customer Department (During the period, Mr. Yin served a temporary position as Deputy Manager of Business Department of the Baoding Branch and Executive Vice President of the Baoding Branch), Deputy Director of the First Credit Department, Division Chief of the Comprehensive Division, Deputy Division Chief of Comprehensive Division of the First Industrial and Commercial Credit Department, and Deputy Division Chief of Purchase and Sale Division of the Industrial and Commercial Credit Department. Mr. Yin obtained his Doctoral degree in Agriculture from China Agricultural University in 1993.




Mr. Zhou Wanfu, Mr. Zhou has been Executive Director of the Bank since February 2024, Executive Vice President of the Bank since July 2020. Mr. Zhou held various positions in Agricultural Bank of China, including Secretary of the Board of Directors, General Manager of the Strategic Planning Department, President of Tianjin Training Institute, Executive Vice President of Chongqing Branch, General manager of the Asset and Liability Management Department, Deputy General Manager of the Planning and Finance Department, Deputy General manager of the Asset and Liability Management Department, Executive Vice President of the Ningbo Branch, Division Chief of the Comprehensive Planning Department of the Asset and Liability Management Division  and Deputy Division Chief of the Development and Planning Department of the Business Planning Division of the Head office.Mr. Zhou obtained his Master’s degree in Economics fromthe Graduate School of the People’s Bank of China in1988, MBA degree from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore in 2003.




Mr. Li Longcheng, has been Non-executive Director of the Bank since June 2020, and holds position at Central Huijin Investment Ltd.. Mr. Li served as Director of the Heilongjiang Supervision Bureau of Ministry of Finance, Chief Inspector of the Heilongjiang Supervision & Inspection Office of Ministry of Finance, Chief Inspector of the Liaoning Supervision & Inspection Office of Ministry of Finance, Deputy Inspector of the Heilongjiang Supervision & Inspection Office of Ministry of Finance, and Deputy Inspector of the Zhejiang Supervision & Inspection Office of Ministry of Finance. Mr. Li served as Assistant Commissioner, Division Chief of the First Division and Deputy Division Chief of the General Division of the Heilongjiang Supervision & Inspection Office of Ministry of Finance.Mr. Li obtained his Doctoral degree in Management from Northeast Forestry University in 2003.




Mr. Wang Linping, has been Non-executive Director of the Bank since January 2021, and holds position at Central Huijin Investment Ltd.. Mr. Wang served as Level-one Inspector of the Retired Cadres Bureau of Ministry of Finance, Chairman of China Finance and Economic Media Group. Mr. Wang served as Minister, Vice Minister and Minister of the Department of Administrative Finance of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Macao Special Administrative Region. Mr. Wang served as Researcher and Deputy Director of Pension Security Division of the Social Security Department of Ministry of Finance, and he served as assistant researcher of the Management Division of the Retirement Funds of Administrative Institutions. Mr. Wang obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in 1986.




Mr. Chang Baosheng, has been Non-executive Director since January 2021, and holds position at Central Huijin Investment Ltd. Mr. Chang served as Level-two Inspector and Deputy Inspector of the Ningxia Supervision Bureau of Ministry of Finance. Mr. Chang served as Deputy Inspector, Assistant Commissioner, Deputy Director of the Third Business Department, Deputy Director of the Second Business Department and Deputy Director of the General Office of Ningxia Supervision and Inspection Office of Ministry of Finance. Mr. Chang graduated from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in 1989.




Mr. Liao, Yi Chien David, has been Non-executive Director of the Bank since May 2021. Mr. Liao has been Co-chief Executive Officer of HSBC, a substantial shareholder of the Bank, Executive Director of the HSBC Group and Member of the Group Executive Committee.Mr. Liao served as the general manager of HSBC Holdings plc and the Head HSBC Asia Pacific Global Banking, President and Chief Executive Officer of HSBC China, Director of Global Banking and Capital Market of HSBC China, Director of Global Capital Market of HSBC China, and Treasurer of HSBC China. Mr. Liao took positions in the Industrial Bank of Japan (currently Mizuho International Plc). Mr. Liao obtained his honorary bachelor’s degree from University of London in 1995.




Mr. Chan Siu Chung, has been Non-executive Director of the Bank since October 2019. Mr. Chan serves as the Consultant of Co-CEO of HSBC, a substantial shareholder of the Bank. Mr. Chan served as the Head of Capital Market for Greater China Region at HSBC, Co-Head of Capital Markets for Asia-Pacific, Deputy Head of the Global Markets Asia Pacific and Head of Trading in Hong Kong, Head of Trading in Hong Kong, Head of Hong Kong Dollar Interest Rate and Derivatives Trading, Senior Interest Rate Dealer and Senior Dealer. Mr. Chan obtained his Master’s degree in Applied Finance from Macquarie University, Australia in 1994.




Mr. Mu Guoxin, has been Non-executive Director of the Bank since August 2022, Senior Accountant. Mr. Mu serves as a full-time Working Director of the National Council for Social Security Fund, a substantial shareholder of the Bank. Mr. Mu served as the Director and the Deputy Director of the Fund Finance Department, Chief of Accounting Division, the Deputy Chief of Accounting Division of Finance and Accounting Department of the National Council for Social Security Fund. Mr. Mu also served as the Deputy Division Chief of the Second System Division of the Accounting Department of the Ministry of Finance.Mr. Mu obtained his MPA degree under the cooperative cultivation programme between Peking University and the National Academy of Governance in 2008.  




Mr. Chen Junkui, has been Non-executive Director of the Bank since August 2019, Senior Accountant. Mr. Chen serves as Deputy Director-General of the Financial Management and Supervision (Internal Audit) Department of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration.He also serves as Supervisor of China Tobacco Machinery Group Co., Ltd., China Tobacco International Inc. and China Tobacco Magazine House Co., Ltd. Director of Nantong Cellulose Fibers Co., Ltd., Zhuhai Cellulose Fibers Co., Ltd. and Kunming Cellulose Fibers Co., Ltd. Mr. Chen served as Director and Deputy Director of the Finance and Asset Department of China Tobacco Machinery Group Co., Ltd. Mr. Chen obtained his Masters degree in Management from Capital University of Economics and Business in 2002.  




Mr. Luo Xiaopeng, has been Non-executive Director of the Bank since August 2022, Senior Accountant. Mr. Chen serves as the president of the Capital Operation Department of the Capital Airport Group Co., Ltd., the main shareholder of the Bank. He also serves as the director of Tianjin Binhai International Airport Co., Ltd, Jilin Civil Aviation Airport Group Co., Ltd and Jiangxi Airport Group Co., Ltd. Mr. Luo served as the Chief Financial Officer of Inner Mongolia Civil Aviation Airport Group Co., Ltd, the general manager of the finance department of Beijing Capital International Airport Co., Ltd. Mr. Luo obtained his Masters degree in Finance from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics.




Mr. Shi Lei, has been Independent Director of the Bank since December 2019. Mr. Shi serves as Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of the School of Economics of Fudan University, and Director of the Public Economic Research Centre of Fudan University. He also serves as Independent None-xecutive Director of Hangzhou Meideng Technology Co., Ltd. Mr. Shi served as Director of the China Centre for Economic Studies of Fudan University, and Independent Non-executive Director of Ko Yo Chemical (Group) Limited and Sanxiang Impression Co., Ltd. Mr. Shi obtained his Doctoral degree from the Institute of Economics at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences in 1993. Mr. Shi enjoyed special government allowances of the State Council.




Mr. Zhang Xiangdong, has been Independent Director of the Bank since August 2020, senior economist. Mr. Zhang served as Non-executive Director of Bank of China Limited, Non-executive Director and Chairman of the Risk Management Committee of the Board of Directors of China Construction Bank Corporation (during which period Mr. Zhang concurrently served as member of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission). Mr. Zhang also served as Inspector and Deputy Director General of the General Affairs Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. He served as Executive Vice President of Haikou Branch of the People’s Bank of China and Deputy Director General of Hainan Branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange concurrently. Mr. Zhang concurrently served as Member of the Issuance Approval Committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission. Mr. Zhang obtained his Master’s degree in Law from Renmin University of China in 1990.




Ms. Li Xiaohui, has been Independent Director of the Bank since November 2020, is a certified public accountant. She has been a Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at the School of Accounting, Central University of Finance and Economics. She is also the Independent Non-executive Director of Fangda Special Steel Technology Co., Ltd., State Grid Information and Communication Co., Ltd., and Poly Culture Group Co., Ltd.. External Supervisor of Bank of Beijing Co., Ltd. Member of the Professional Technical Advisory Committee of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Member of the Audit Committee of the Accounting Society of China. Member of the Audit Standards Committee of the China Internal Audit Association. Ms. Li worked in the Professional Standards Department of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Ms. Li worked successively in Cangzhou Accounting Firm, Cangshi Accounting Firm and the State-owned Assets Administration under Hebei Province Department of Finance. Ms. Li previously served as Independent Director of BBMG Corporation, Fangda Carbon New Material Co., Ltd., Bank of Beijing Co., Ltd., Camel Group Co., Ltd., Jizhong Energy Resources Co., Ltd., Kailuan Energy Chemical Co., Ltd. and China U-Ton Holdings Limited. Ms. Li obtained her Doctoral degree in Economics from Central University of Finance and Economics in 2001.




Mr. Ma Jun, has been Independent Director of the Bank since August 2022. Mr. Ma is currently the President of the Beijing Institute of Green Finance and Sustainable Development. Mr Ma also serves as Independent Director of China Taiping Life Insurance (Hong Kong), Independent Director of Postal Savings Bank of China Ubank, Director of the Green Finance Committee of China Society for Finance, Co-Chairman of the Steering Committee of the "Belt and Road" Green Investment Principles, President of the Beijing Green Finance Association (Beijing Emissions Trading Association), Chairman of the Hong Kong Green Finance Association. Mr. Ma served as a member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the People's Bank of China, Co-Chairman of the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group, Director of the Center for Finance and Development under Tsinghua National Institute of Financial Research, Chief Economist of the Research Bureau of the People's Bank of China, Chief Economist, Investment Strategist and Managing Director of Deutsche Bank Greater China, Senior Economist at the World Bank, Economist at the International Monetary Fund, and also worked at the Development Research Center of the State Council. Mr. Ma obtained his doctor’s degree in Economics from Georgetown University, USA in 1994.




Mr. Wong Tin Chak, has been Independent Director of the Bank since November 2023, an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Since November 2022, Mr. Wong has been the Chief Partner of Shanghai Dekun Tianyu Management Consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership) and a member of the Digital Economy Strategy Committee of the Chinese Association of Development Strategy Studies. He has previously worked as, among others, a Chief Commercial Officer, a Risk Advisory Managing Partner and a member of Management Committee of Deloitte China, a member of the Risk Advisory Management Committee of Deloitte Asia Pacific, an Audit and Assurance Deputy Managing Partner and a Partner of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants and a Partner of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. Mr. Wong obtained a Bachelor of Social Science degree from The University of Hong Kong in 1988.




Mr. Xiao Wei, has been Independent Director of the Bank since September 2024, Senior Accountant. Mr. Xiao served as Chief Audit Officer of Bank of China Limited, General Manager of the Financial Management Department of the Head Office, Deputy General Manager of the Beijing Branch, Chief Financial Officer of the Beijing Branch, Assistant General Manager and Deputy General Manager of the Asset-andLiability Management Department of the Head Office, etc. Mr. Xiao obtained a doctoral degree in Economics from Renmin University of China in 1994.